Hybrid Hacker

👾 Technical notes and hybrid geekeries

General Articles

New year, new domain and good resolutions for 2019

Last time I wrote here, it was more or less one year ago. 2018 was a really busy year, with many challenges, but also many successes to celebrate. In addition to that, I have a newcomer in my family that will probably keep me awake for some nights. My good …

Migrating from Jekyll to Pelican

After (not) using Jekyll for a lot of time, I decided to move to Pelican. Why I've done that is quickly explained. I'm a Pythonist and I already have to maintain a Python environment on my laptop Pelican is extremely clean and easy to hack I'm not a great fan …

Hello World

This is my first post on this brand new blog. As usual I cannot guarantee that updates will be constant. Some technical info about this blog. I'm using Jekyll as creation engine cause I want to be able to write fast updates using my terminal and I don't want to …