Hybrid Hacker

👾 Technical notes and hybrid geekeries

The Hybrid Hacker Newsletter

I can hardly believe it's only been less than a month since my last post on this blog. To be honest, having ChatGPT proofreading my writing has made me more productive and helped me overcome my perfectionism. While I'm not always certain that its corrections are entirely accurate, it gives …

NoHumansWrite: a GPT-3 operated blog

It's a bit embarrassing, but it has been almost two years since I last wrote in this blog. I'm honest, I have been trying to maintain a blog for more than 20 years, but I never succeeded. It went a bit better when I had an Italian blog. Writing in …

  • Thu 27 February 2020
  • Code

Retrieve Pagerduty on-call schedule with Python

When you are experiencing an incident, the first thing you need to know is who is on call in your team. With my team at Namecheap, obviously we got everything automated, so if something happens, our alerting system triggers Pagerduty who calls the on call designated person. But in such …

Anne Pro 2 and how I improved my typing skills

One of my new year resolutions for 2019 was to write more on this blog and we will see in December if I achieved that. Another 2019 non-written resolution was to improve my typing skills. Unfortunately until some months ago I was just used to Italian keyboards, which (shame on …

  • Thu 31 October 2019
  • Cloud

Raspberry Kubernetes cluster for my homlab with k3sup

With my everyday job I get in touch with huge on-premise Kubernetes clusters (500+ nodes), full of complex and interesting things. Unfortunately they can't be used as playgrounds, so I always end up building something locally (minikube, Kind, Multipass/Mikrok8s) which almost always is not the ideal solution unless you …